Publication List
Recent Journal Publications
Crompton, J. & Ellis, G. (2020). Is a decline in parks provision inevitable in fast-growth cities? Evidence from Texas. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration.
Ellis, G., Lacanienta, A., Zanolini, W., Locke, D., Jiang, J. (2020). Mindful learning experiences through structured reflections during a youth travel abroad program. Journal of Youth Development. 15(5), 172-185. .
Ellis, G., Jiang, J., Freeman, P., & Jamal, T. (2020). Leisure as immediate conscious experience: foundations, evaluation, and extension of the theory of structured experiences. Journal of Leisure Research. Published online 27 July, 2020.
Ellis, G., Jiang, J., Freeman, P. & Lacanienta, A. (2020). In situ engagement during structured leisure experiences: conceptualization, measurement, and theory testing. Leisure Sciences, published online 21 February, 2020.
Lacanienta, A., Ellis, G., Hill, B., Freeman, P. & Jiang, J. (2020). Provocation and related subjective experiences along the dark tourism spectrum. Journal of Heritage Tourism. Published online 16 March 3030,
Taggart, A., Ellis, G., Jiang, J., & Lacanienta, A. (2019). Using experience industry strategies to increase quality of youth program experiences. Journal of Youth Development. 14(4), 59-82.
Douglas, D. Ellis, G., & Lacanienta, A. (2019). Increasing visitor engagement during interpretive walking tours. Journal of Interpretation. 23(2), 31-48.
Ellis, G.D., Lacanienta, A., Freeman, P. & Hill, B. (2019). Evaluating theory of structured experience propositions: effects of service quality and experience industry techniques on quality of immediate leisure experiences, Annals of Leisure Research, Published online January 23, 2019, DOI: 10.1080/11745398.2019.1568890
Ellis, G., Jiang, J., Lacanienta, A., & Carroll, J. (2019). Theming, co-creation, and quality of structured experiences at camp. Journal of Youth Development. 14(1), 230-242. DOI: 10.5195/jyd.2019.651
Ellis, G., Taggart, A., Lepley, T., & Lacanienta, A. (2019). A method for monitoring quality of extension programs: A dashboard construction process. Journal of Extension. 57(1) Feature 1FEA3.
Ellis, G., Freeman, P., Jamal, T., & Jiang, J. (2019). A theory of structured experience. Annals of Leisure Research [1174-5398] .22(1), 97-118. DOI: 10.1080/11745398.2017.1312468
Melton, K. & Ellis, G. (2019). Measurement of time involvement in family activities: Alternative scaling procedures for the family leisure activity profile. Leisure Sciences, 41(5), 535-541. DOI: 10.1080/01490400.2018.1458669.
Lee, J., Ellis, G. Ralston, L, & Song, H. (2018). Psychometric evaluation of a single-item measure of delightedness with service experiences. Pan Pacific Journal of Business Research. 9(2), 36-48.
Stricklin, M. & Ellis, G. (2018). Effects of Experience Structuring Strategies on Perceived Value and Subjective Experience of Event Participants. International Journal of Event Management. 22(3), 353-365.
Lacanienta, A., Ellis, G., Taggart, A., Wilder, J., & Carroll, M. (2018). Does theming camp experiences lead to greater quality, satisfaction, and promotion? Journal of Youth Development, 13 (1-2), 216-239.
Ellis, G., Freeman, P., Jiang, J. & Lacanienta, A. (2018). Measurement of deep structured experiences as a binary phenomenon. Annals of Leisure Research, DOI: 10.1080/11745398.2018.1429285.
Ellis, G., Freeman, P., & Jiang, J. (2017). Creating experiences for study-abroad tourists. Journal of Tourism Insights. 8(1), Article 4.
Ellis, G., Freeman, P., Jamal, T., & Jiang, J. (2017). A theory of structured experience. Annals of Leisure Research. DOI: 10.1080/11745398.2017.1312468
Ellis, G., Taggart, A., Martz, J., Lepley, T., & Jamal, T. (2016). Monitoring structured experiences during youth programs: Development of brief measures of perceived value and engagement. Journal of Youth Development, 11, 3, 159-174.
Melton, K., Ellis, G. & Zabriskie, R. (2016): Assessing Alternative Techniques for Scaling the Family Leisure Activity Profile: Recommendations for Future Family Leisure Measurement, Leisure Sciences, DOI: 10.1080/01490400.2015.1087356.
Ellis, G. (2014). Negotiating the COAPRT learning outcomes transition using quality management tools: A case study of the COAPRT beta test site. Schole: A journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education. 1, 10-25.
Jorgensen, L. J., Ellis, G., & Ruddell, E. (2013). Fear perceptions in public parks: interactions of environmental concealment, the presence of people recreating, and gender. Environment and Behavior. 45(7) 803-820. Published online May 20, 2012, 1-18. Doi:10.1177/0013916512446334.
Rossman, J. R. & Ellis, G. (2012). Thoughts on experience: Introduction to the Special Issue. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration. 30, 3, 1-6.
Lee, J W, Ralston, L, Ellis, G & Park, J. The Influence of Nationality and Service Quality on Positive Affect, Negative Affect and Delightedness” (July 30, 2011). International CHRIE Conference-Refereed Track. Paper 9.
Roark, M., Ellis, G., Wells, M., & Gillard, A. (2010). Measuring relationships between camp staff and camper developmental outcomes: an application of self-determination theory. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration. 28, 3, 79-94.
Ward, P., Lundberg, N., Ellis, G., Berrett, K. (2010). Adolescent peer followership: a self-determination theory perspective. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration. 28, 2, 20-35.
Recent Professional and Academic Conference Presentations
Jiang, J. & Ellis, G. (2020, Thursday, March 12). Applying experiential marketing strategies in health tourism. Association of Collegiate Marketing Educators, San Antonio, Tx.
Ellis, G., (2020, Wednesday, February 12). Research on Recruiting and Retaining Camp Staff: Panel Session. American Camp Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
Ellis, G., Jiang, J.,Lacanienta, A. (2020, Wednesday, February 12). When to Theme Camp Experiences? Camper Co-Creation vs. Sole-Creation. American Camp Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
Ellis, G., Jiang, J., Locke, D., Co, L., Woosley, J., & Snider, C. (2020, Wednesday, February 12). Building intentions of camp program staff through needs-based reflection experiences. (Panel Presentation). American Camp Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
Ellis, G., Jiang, J., Locke, D., Woosley, J., Co, L., & Snider, C. (2020, Thursday, February 13). Case Study: Building Retention Intentions of Summer Camp Staff Through Psychological Needs-Based Refection Experiences. Paper presented at the American Camp Association Annual Conference, San Diego, CA.
Lacanienta, A., Ellis, G., Hill, B., & Freeman, P. (2019, December 12). Provocation on the spectrum of dark tourism. Australia-New Zealand Association for Leisure Studies, Queenstown, NZ.
Lacanienta, A., Ellis, G., Hill, B., & Freeman, P., & Jiang, J. (2019, December 12). Testing propositions of relaxing, pleasureable, and mindful absorption experiences from the theory of structured experience. Australia-New Zealand Association for Leisure Studies, Queenstown, NZ.
Ellis, G., Jiang, J., Lacanienta, A., Hill, B., & Freeman, P. (2019, December 12). Determinants and results of engagement during story experiences. Australia-New Zealand Association for Leisure Studies, Queenstown, NZ.
Harwell, R., Freeman, P., Hill, B., Ellis, G., & Jiang, J. (2019, December 12). Mash-up Panel: A visit with leading leisure experience scholars, 1940-2019. Australia-New Zealand Association for Leisure Studies, Queenstown, NZ.
Lacanienta, A., Ellis, G., Hill, B., Freeman, P., Jiang, J. (2019). “Experience” in our department names? A live action role play experience. Australia-New Zealand Association for Leisure Studies, Queenstown, NZ.
Ellis, G. Jiang, J., Freeman, P., & Lacanienta, A. (2019, September 24). Engagement in interpretation through stories: coherence, personalization, provocation, and engagement. National Recreation and Park Association Annual Congress, Baltimore, MD.
Sklar, S., Freeman, P., Kennedy, D., Ellis, G., Janssen, M. (2019, September 23). Academic Accreditation and COAPRT Visitor Training: A Symbol of Academic Excellence. National Recreation and Park Association Annual Congress, Baltimore, MD.
Jiang, J., Ellis, G., Lacanienta, A., & Freeman, P. (2019, March 20). Engagement during structured leisure experiences: conceptualization, measurement, and theory testing. Paper presented at the conference of The Southeast States Chapter of Travel and Tourism Research Association (SeTTRA) 2019, Daytona Beach, March 19-21.
Lacanienta, A., Ellis, G., Hill, B, Freeman, P, & Jiang, J. (2019, February 28). Testing select propositions about absorption from the theory of structured experience. Presented at The Academy of Leisure Sciences Conference for Teaching and Research, Greenville, SC.
Ellis, G., Jiang, J., Lacanienta, A., & Carroll, M. (2019, February 20, 21). Objective theme, lived-experience theme, and quality of experiences of campers. American Camp Association National Conference, Nashville, TN. (Two presentations, verbal and poster formats)
Ellis, G., Lacanienta, A., Zanolini, B., & Locke, D. (2019, February 20, 21). Mindful reflection on daily structured experiences during travel camps. American Camp Association National Conference, Nashville, TN. (Two presentations, verbal and poster formats)
Locke, D. & Ellis, G. (2019, February 21). Transformative education through poverty simulation. American Camp Association National Conference, Nashville, TN.
Ellis, G. and Bocarro, J. (2018, September 25). Council on Accreditation Visitor and Program Review Training: How to Integrate Mission, Metrics, Curriculum, and Instruction. National Recreation and Park Association, Indianapolis, Indiana.
Ellis, G., Freeman, P. & Jiang, J. (2018, November 28). Theory of Structured Experience for Interpreters. National Association for Interpretation Annual Conference, November 28-30, 2018, New Orleans, LA.
Ellis, G., Lacanienta, A., Freeman, P., & Hill, B. (2018). Testing the presumed effects of service performance, theme, personalization, and multisensory appeal on quality of structured experiences. Travel and Tourism Research Association Annual Conference, June 26- 28, 2018, Coral Gables, FL.
Lacanienta, A., Ellis, G., Freeman, P., Jiang, J., Stricklin, M., & Hill, B. (2018). A graphical approach to measuring deep structured experience as a binary phenomenon. The Academy for Leisure Sciences Annual Conference, February 21-23, Indianapolis, IN.
Taggart, A. & Ellis, G. (2018, February 21). Structuring youth experiences for quality: effect of theme, personalization, multisensory appeal, and memorabilia. American Camp Association Annual Conference, February 20-23, Orlando, FL.
Lacanienta, A., Ellis, G., Taggart, A., Carroll, M., & Wilder, J. (2018, February 22). How theming leads to greater retention, satisfaction, and camp promotion by campers. American Camp Association Annual Conference, February 20-23, Orlando, FL.
Ellis, G. and Lacanienta, A. (2018, April 12). The Theory of Structured Experience in Action: A Railroad Journey through Your Life! Invited Keynote presentation, Experience Design and Management Conference, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah.
Ellis, G. (2017, September 20). Research Program on Structured Experience for 4-H. Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, Texas 4-H Leadership Conference, College Station, TX.
Ellis, G. (2017, February 28). Workshop: Six Sigma, Lean Enterprise, and the experience industries. Marriott School of Management, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah.
Ellis, G., Lacanienta, A., Taggart, A., Lepley, T., & Martz, J. (2017, January 25). A minimally intrusive approach to measuring quality of structured experiences for youth. American Camp Association Annual Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Ellis, G. A., Lacanienta, A., Taggart, A., Lepley, T., & Martz, J. (2017, January 26). Conceptualization and measurement of quality of immediate structured experiences. (Poster presentation).American Camp Association Annual Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Ellis, G. (2017, April 22). Theory Construction. Invited Keynote presentation, Korean American Hotel and Tourism Educators Association. Las Vegas, Nevada.
Jiang, G. & Ellis, G. (2017). Theory of Structured Experiences. Invited Keynote presentation,Korean American Hotel and Tourism Educators Association. Las Vegas, Nevada.
Ellis, G. (2016, October 14). Theory of Structured Experiences. Keynote presentation, Jim Whyte Fellow, Tourism and Hospitality Management Research Retreat, University of Queensland, Brisbane.
Ellis, G. (2016, October 20). Hans Zetterberg’s Approach to Formal Theory Construction. Doctoral Seminar, Tourism and Hospitality Cluster, University of Queensland Business School, Brisbane.
Ellis, G. (2016, October 21). Quality Management Principles and Philosophy: Applications and Potential Applications in the Experience Industries. University of Queensland Business School, Brisbane
Ellis, G. (2016, November). A typology of recreation experiences. Gold Metcalf Lecture, State University of New York, Cortland.
Ellis, G., Freeman, P., & Jiang, J. (2016, May 30). Measurement of situated tourist experience theory concepts. Athens Institute for Education and Research, 12th Annual International Conference on Tourism, Athens, Greece.
Freeman, P., Ellis, G. & Jiang, J. (2016, May 31). An empirical investigation of select propositions of situated experience theory among education tourists. Athens Institute for Education and Research, 12th Annual International Conference on Tourism, Athens, Greece.
Ellis, G. & Taggart, A. (2016, February). A Proposed Process for Monitoring quality of 4H meetings. Experience Industry Management Conference, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah.
Ellis, G. (2015, November 13). Experience, the quintessential product of the park, recreation and tourism industries: A view from the microscope. Gold Metcalf Distinguished Lecture, 65th Annual Cortland Recreation Conference, State University of New York, Cortland.
Jamal, T., Ellis, G., & Jiang, J. (2015, October 28). Freeman Tilden comes to Galveston: situating provocation, personalization, and coherence principles during heritage interpretation. National Tourism Extension Conference, Galveston, Texas.
Ellis, G., Jamal, T., & Jiang, K. (2015). Fast-thinking and slow-thinking: A process approach to understand tourist experiences. Travel and Tourism Research Association Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon, June 17, 2015.
Ellis, G. (2015), Jiang, J., & Jamal, T. (2015). Situated experiences: A research agenda. Experience Industry Management Conference, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, March, 2015.
Melton, K., Ellis, G. & Zabriskie, R. (2015). Measuring family leisure experience: alternate scaling techniques with the Family Leisure Activity Profile. Experience Industry Management Conference, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, March, 2015.
Ellis, G. & Jiang, K. (2015). How to situate experiences: Your basic and advanced tool-kit. Experience Industry Management Conference, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, March, 2015.
Ellis, G. (2015). Funding issues and strategies for Department Heads. Park, Recreation, and Tourism Administrators Annual Meeting, Zion Ponderosa Resort, Springdale, UT, February, 2015.
Jamal, T., Ellis, G., & Jiang, J. (2015, October 28). Freeman Tilden visits Galveston: Situating provocation, personalization, and coherence principles during heritage interpretation. National Extension Tourism Conference, Galveston, TX
Ellis, G. (2014). How to design your next innovation: Essentials of the Lean Six Sigma DMADV Strategy. Texas Recreation and Parks Association Institute and Expo, Corpus Christi, Texas, February 20.
Satchabut, T., Scott, D., & Ellis, G. (2013). Effects of recreation participation and park interpretation on tourist; environmental concern. Asian Pacific Tourism Association Annual Conference, Bankok, Thailand
Ellis, G. and Brueggerhoff, S. (2012, March). Customer Service the Aggie Way. Texas Recreation and Parks Association Annual Conference, The Woodlands, TX, March 1, 2012.
Lee, J.W., Ralston, L., Ellis, G., & Park, J.K. (2011). The Influence of Nationality and Service Quality on Positive Affect, Negative Affect and Delightedness, International CHRIE Conference, Denver, Colorado, July 27-30.
Ellis, G. (2011). Council on Accreditation Site Visitor Training, 2013 Standards. National Recreation and Park Association Annual Congress, Atlanta, GA, November 1, 2011.
Ellis, G. (2011). Responsibilities of Faculty. Provost’s forum on Excellence. Texas A&M University, October 11,, 2010.
Ellis, G. (2010). The experience of time and being a department head. New Academic Leaders Orientation, Texas A&M University, August 24, 2010.
Ellis, G. (2010). Council on Accreditation Site Visitor Training, 2013 Standards. National Recreation and Park Association Annual Congress, Minneapolis, MN.
Ellis, G. and Edwards, M. (2010). Grantsmanship and Interviewing for Assistant Professor Positions Interviews. International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Student Section, Corpus Christi, Texas, June 5, 2010.